One in five Australians is self-employed. This means that there are quite some people here that are their own bosses and, in short, command over their very own businesses. Of course, being your own boss sounds great and all, but there are a couple of things that may be uncertain...
What Is Negative Gearing? It Can Save You LOADS!
When you’re applying for a home loan, your lender might want to know how you plan to exit it. After all, it is a lender’s job to make you understand that you do have to plan your loan repayments and so on. In this respect, you will need to come...
What Is Invoice and Debtor Finance? Borrowing Against Your Unpaid Invoices!
Buying a home or a property may imply a deposit. You may come across home loans that require no deposit at all, but their approval criteria are known to be tough. Therefore, you are left with only one thing to do – namely, to save a deposit so that you...
What Is Debt to Income Ratio When Applying For a Home Loan
When you decide to purchase property in Australia – whether you are a foreigner or an Australian – you must be aware of the fact that there are a few aspects you should consider. After all, if purchasing property was an easy thing to do, we’d all do it and...
Top Reasons Why You Should Use a Property Manager For Your Investment Property!
Buying a home or a property may imply a deposit. You may come across home loans that require no deposit at all, but their approval criteria are known to be tough. Therefore, you are left with only one thing to do – namely, to save a deposit so that you...